R Studio and Shiny

R Studio has released a web application that is run (nearly) entirely through R (R Studio). It’s called Shiny and it’s great! It easily lets you turn your R scripts into a webpage. This is great for teaching purposes, showing off some code, and publishing to the web.

R Studio has given its users everything they need to make a web app using templates they have provided.  Everything fits into one “.R” file for easy editing and publishing.

You can find the Shiny page here: http://shiny.rstudio.com/

Here’s a link to my Shiny app. This has 4 statistical distributions (normal, lognormal, weibull, exponential) and let’s the user interact with the variables. The box plot and histogram of the data respond to the user controlled inputs.

Check it out here: My Shiny App
(Make sure to give it about 30 seconds to fully load for the first time.)


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